FirstNet Adviser help

Linking Clients

What are suggested matches?

To assist you with linking clients, FirstNet will automatically compare your client’s Colonial First State details with the details held at CommSec.

In the FirstNet Client list section, select the 'Suggested matches' radio button and click Search to find your potential matches. Client details are matched by comparing surname, first name, and postcode. Where a client matches on all 3 criteria the client will have the number 1 against their ATC details; where 2 attributes match, the number 2 will appear; and where only 1 of the criteria match, the number 3 will appear. If there are no matches, the field will be blank.matches, the field will show a zero.

Confirm the accounts are owned by the same client by clicking the Client details link that appears in both the ATC and FirstNet Client list sections.

Once you have confirmed that the accounts are owned by the same client, highlight both accounts and click 'Link Client'. Your client’s managed funds and share accounts are now linked, and their CommSec ATC share data can be accessed in FirstNet on the following business day.

How can I manage my client’s access to the FirstNet Adviser share trading service in FirstNet Investor?

Once you have linked a client, both you and your client will be able to view their CommSec ATC share data in FirstNet.

If you do not want your client to view these details in FirstNet Investor:

  1. Select Tools from the top navigation menu.
  2. Select Adviser share trading service from the left navigation menu.
  3. Click the 'client access to shares information' link.
  4. Select which client list you wish to search on - ATC or FirstNet.
  5. Enter your client’s name or account number into the Search field.
  6. Click Search. The matches to your search will be returned in the Linked Client List.
  7. Using the drop-down under the FirstNet Access for Investor column, select No.
  8. Click Update.

Changing this option is also possible from the Client linking screen.